Google Maps Gratis program wat kaarte, aanwysings, maatskappy lyste, en nog baie meer sit in jou sak. Met die splinternuwe Google Latitude funksie, sien plekke jou vriende en status boodskappe, en deel jou saam met hulle.
Download Google Maps op jou selfoon, en nooit weer dra 'n papier kaart. En met die splinternuwe Google Latitude funksie, sien plekke jou vriende en status boodskappe, en deel jou saam met hulle.
Google Maps vir selfone funksies my plek, 'n diens wat jou toelaat om jou huidige ligging te haal sonder die noodsaaklikheid vir GPS. My ligging by benadering jou huidige ligging op die kaart, gewoonlik binne 1000 meter, deur te erken inligting uitgesaai vanaf 'n selfoon torings, en in sommige gevalle Wi-Fi seine, naby jou. Google Maps vir selfone ook gebruik maak van 'n ingeboude GPS, of kan 'n skakel na 'n Bluetooth GPS sensor aan meer akkuraat vas te stel jou plek.
Latitude kan jy sien plekke jou vriende en status boodskappe. Deel jou plek en status met uitgesoekte vriende.
Map and satellite views
Google Maps provides both map and satellite views of an area. The user interface feels like Google Maps does on the desktop. You can scroll in a direction to see more of the map, or zoom in and out using shortcut keys.
Driving directions
Google Maps makes it easy to get turn-by-turn driving directions. Thanks to the My Location feature, you do not even have to enter your starting point.
Transit directions
Check bus and subway schedules, determine what transfers you
Business listings
Google's local search engine allows you to search for businesses by name (e.g. "Starbucks"), or by type (e.g. "coffee"). View store hours and ratings, and then dial the business you're interested in with a single click. Thanks to My Location, it's easy to find nearby businesses without even having to enter your current location.
Street View
View street level imagery of addresses, businesses, and turns in directions in much of the US, Australia, Japan, and parts of Europe.